Sec. Points:
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Thousand sons
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Player: Dean Vilic
Team: Team Slovenia

Factions used: Deathwatch
Army Points: 1999
Reinforcement points: 0
Number of Units / Killpoints: 11 (14 combat sqads)

Pre Game Stratagems:
Relics of the Chapter [2cp] 1.Librarian (The Tome of Ectoclades), 2. Primaris Chaplain on Bike (The Beacon Angelis)
Hero of the Chapter [-2CP] 1.Librarian (Optimised Priority (Aura)), 2. Primaris Chaplain on Bike (Wise Orator)
A Vigil Unmatched [-1CP] Captain on Bike - Paragon of their Chapter Space Wolves: Beastslayer

Starting Command Points: 7

Warlord Trait: Captain on Bike - The Imperium's Sword
Army Trait : Deathwatch: Xeno Hunters, Detachment - Mission Tactics

Secondary Objectives Information
No prisoners: 102
To the last: 15 Proteus Kill Team1, Proteus Kill Team2, Proteus Kill Team3
Titan Hunter: N/A
Bring it Down: 1
Assasination: 13
Abhor the Witch: 3

Battalion Detachment 0CP Imperium - Adeptus Astartes - Deathwatch [1,999pts]

Battle Size [12CP]

HQ [385pts]

Captain on Bike [130pts] [-1CP]
Storm shield [10pts], Thunder hammer [20pts], Twin boltgun
Warlord Traits: The Imperium's Sword [0CP]
Stratagem: A Vigil Unmatched [-1CP] Paragon of their Chapter Space Wolves: Beastslayer
Warlord Relic: Eye of Abiding [0CP]

Librarian [115pts] [-2CP]
Xenopurge psychic powers:1.Premorphic Resonance, 2.Fortified With Contempt, 3.Smite
Bolt pistol, Force sword, Jump Pack [25pts]
Hero of the Chapter [-1CP] Optimised Priority (Aura)
Relics of the Chapter [-1CP] The Tome of Ectoclades

Primaris Chaplain on Bike [140pts] [-2CP]
Chapter Command: Master of Sanctity [25pts]1 Litany of Hate, 2 Catechism of Fire, 3 Canticle of Hate (Aura)
Absolver Bolt pistol, Crozius arcanum, Twin Bolt rifle
Stratagem: Hero of the Chapter [-1CP],Wise Orator
Relics of the Chapter [-1CP] The Beacon Angelis

Troops [974pts]

Proteus Kill Team [258pts]
Black Shield [31pts]2x Lightning Claw [6pts]
Deathwatch Veteran [25pts] Deathwatch Boltgun,Storm shield [5pts]
Deathwatch Veteran [25pts] Deathwatch Boltgun,Storm shield [5pts]
Deathwatch Veteran [25pts] Deathwatch Boltgun,Storm shield [5pts]
Deathwatch Veteran w/ Heavy Weapon [30pts] Deathwatch Frag Cannon [10pts]
Deathwatch Veteran w/ Heavy Weapon [30pts] Deathwatch Frag Cannon [10pts]
Deathwatch Veteran w/ Heavy Weapon [30pts] Deathwatch Frag Cannon [10pts]
Deathwatch Veteran w/ Heavy Weapon [30pts] Deathwatch Frag Cannon [10pts]
Watch Sergeant [32pts] Deathwatch Boltgun, Thunder hammer [12pts]

Proteus Kill Team [334pts]

Deathwatch Teleport Homer [5pts]
Jump Packs [3pts]
Deathwatch Terminator [43pts] Thunder hammer and Storm shield [10pts]
Deathwatch Terminator [33pts] Lightning Claw (Pair)
Deathwatch Veteran [25pts] Deathwatch Boltgun, Storm shield [5pts]
Deathwatch Veteran [25pts] Deathwatch Boltgun, Storm shield [5pts]
Deathwatch Veteran w/ Heavy Weapon [35pts] Infernus Heavy Bolter [15pts]
Deathwatch Veteran w/ Heavy Weapon [35pts] Infernus Heavy Bolter [15pts]
Deathwatch Veteran w/ Heavy Weapon [35pts] Infernus Heavy Bolter [15pts]
Deathwatch Veteran w/ Heavy Weapon [35pts] Infernus Heavy Bolter [15pts]
Vanguard Veteran [25pts] 2x Lightning Claw [6pts]
Watch Sergeant [35pts] Storm shield [5pts], Xenophase blade [10pts]

Proteus Kill Team [382pts]

Deathwatch Teleport Homer [5pts],
Jump Packs [3pts]
Deathwatch Terminator [33pts] Lightning Claw (Pair)
Deathwatch Terminator w/ Heavy Weapon [63pts] Cyclone missile launcher [20pts] Thunder hammer and Storm shield [10pts]
Deathwatch Terminator w/ Heavy Weapon [63pts] Cyclone missile launcher [20pts] Thunder hammer and Storm shield [10pts]
Deathwatch Veteran [25pts] Deathwatch Boltgun, Storm shield [5pts]
Deathwatch Veteran [25pts] Deathwatch Boltgun, Storm shield [5pts]
Deathwatch Veteran w/ Heavy Weapon [35pts] Missile launcher [15pts]
Deathwatch Veteran w/ Heavy Weapon [35pts] Missile launcher [15pts]
Deathwatch Veteran w/ Heavy Weapon [35pts] Missile launcher [15pts]
Vanguard Veteran [25pts]2x Lightning Claw [6pts]
Watch Sergeant [35pts]:Storm shield [5pts], Xenophase blade [10pts]

Elites [470pts]

Aggressor Squad [180pts]
3x Aggressor [135pts]Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets/Fragstorm Grenade Launcher [15pts]
Aggressor Sergeant [45pts] Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets/Fragstorm Grenade Launcher [5pts]

Bladeguard Veteran Squad [210pts]
5x Bladeguard Veteran [175pts]5x Heavy Bolt Pistol, 5x Master-crafted power sword, 5x Storm Shield
Bladeguard Veteran Sergeant [35pts]Heavy Bolt Pistol, Master-crafted power sword, Storm Shield

Company Ancient [80pts]:Plasma pistol [5pts]

Fast Attack [100pts]
Suppressor Squad [100pts]
2x Suppressor: 2x Accelerator autocannon, 2x Bolt pisto
Suppressor Sergeant: Accelerator autocannon, Bolt pistol

Dedicated Transport [70pts]
Drop Pod [70pts] Storm bolter
Player: Josef Orman
Team: [Single Tournament]
Factions used: Thousand Sons
Army Points: 2000
Reinforcement points: 0
Number of Units / Killpoints: 11
Pre Game Stratagems: Magister [1CP], Relics oft he Tousand Sons [3CP]
Starting Command Points: 6
Warlord & Trait: Magnus
Army Trait : Cult of Time, Cult of Magic
Secondary Objectives Information
No Prisoners: 45
To the Last Units: Magnus, Scarab Occult Terminators, Cult of Time Demonprince
Titan Hunter: 4
Bring it Down: 6
Assasination: 16
Abhor the Witch: 24
++ Battalion Detachment Thousand Sons ++

Cults of the Legion: Cult of Time

Relics of the Thousand Sons (2 Relics) [-3CP]

+ HQ +

Ahriman on Disc of Tzeentch [9 PL, 170pts]: Glamour of Tzeentch, Tzeentch's Firestorm, Weaver of Fates

Daemon Prince of Tzeentch [10 PL, 195pts]: Gaze of Fate, Hellforged sword, Hour-glass of Manat, Warptime, Wings

Sorcerer [5 PL, 95pts]: Dark Matter Crystal, Force stave, Prescience, Warpflame pistol, Warptime

+ Troops +

Rubric Marines [6 PL, 90pts]
. Aspiring Sorcerer: Inferno Bolt Pistol, Temporal Manipulation
. 4x Rubric Marine w/ Inferno Boltgun: 4x Inferno boltgun

Rubric Marines [6 PL, 90pts]
. Aspiring Sorcerer: Inferno Bolt Pistol, Temporal Manipulation
. 4x Rubric Marine w/ Inferno Boltgun: 4x Inferno boltgun

Rubric Marines [6 PL, 90pts]
. Aspiring Sorcerer: Inferno Bolt Pistol, Temporal Manipulation
. 4x Rubric Marine w/ Inferno Boltgun: 4x Inferno boltgun

+ Elites +

Scarab Occult Terminators [20 PL, 375pts]
. Scarab Occult Sorcerer: Inferno Combi-bolter, Temporal Manipulation
. 9x Terminator: 9x Inferno Combi-bolter, 9x Power sword

+ Heavy Support +

Mutalith Vortex Beast [7 PL, 135pts]

++ Patrol Detachment Thousand Sons ++

Cults of the Legion: Cult of Magic

+ HQ +

Daemon Prince of Tzeentch [10 PL, -1CP, 195pts]: Arcane Focus, Devastating Sorcery, Gift of Chaos, Hellforged sword, Infernal Gateway, Magister, Wings

+ Troops +

Tzaangors [4 PL, 100pts]: Brayhorn
. Twistbray: Tzaangor blades
. 9x Tzaangor w/ Tzaangor blades: 9x Tzaangor blades

++ Supreme Command Detachment Thousand Sons ++

Cults of the Legion: Cult of Magic

+ Primarch | Daemon Primarch | Supreme Commander +

Magnus the Red [24 PL, 465pts]: 4. Lord of Forbidden Lore, Bolt of Change, Death Hex, Doombolt, Infernal Gateway, Warlord