Sec. Points:
Sec. Points:
Primary codex:
Death Guard
Primary codex:
Adepta Sororitas
Sec. codex:
Secondary codex:
Discord ID: 
Vallon DG #4823
BCP Email:
Faction: Death Guard 

Warlord: Malignant Plaguecaster
8 CP
Total army points: 2000

+++ New Roster (Warhammer 40,000 9th Edition) +++

++ Battalion Detachment 0CP (Chaos - Death Guard) [103 PL, 8CP, 2,000pts] ++

+ Configuration +

Battle Size [12CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points)

Detachment Command Cost

Plague Company: The Inexorable

+ Stratagems +

Gifts of Decay [-1CP]: Additional Relics

+ HQ +

Death Guard Daemon Prince [10 PL, -1CP, 185pts]: 5. Curse of the Leper, 5. Rotten Constitution, Foetid Wings, Hellforged sword, Plaguechosen, Suppurating Plate

Malignant Plaguecaster [5 PL, 95pts]: 1. Miasma of Pestilence, 6. Gift of Plagues, Ferric Blight, Warlord

+ Troops +

Poxwalkers [5 PL, 75pts]
15x Poxwalker: 15x Improvised weapon

Poxwalkers [5 PL, 75pts]
15x Poxwalker: 15x Improvised weapon

Poxwalkers [5 PL, 80pts]
16x Poxwalker: 16x Improvised weapon

+ Elites +

Chaos Contemptor Dreadnought [8 PL, -1CP, 175pts]: Hellforged cyclone missile launcher, 2x Twin volkite culverin

Chaos Contemptor Dreadnought [8 PL, -1CP, 175pts]: Hellforged cyclone missile launcher, 2x Twin volkite culverin

Deathshroud Terminators [7 PL, 150pts]
Deathshroud Champion: Plaguespurt gauntlet
2x Deathshroud Terminator: 2x Manreaper, 2x Plaguespurt gauntlet

Deathshroud Terminators [7 PL, 150pts]
Deathshroud Champion: Plaguespurt gauntlet
2x Deathshroud Terminator: 2x Manreaper, 2x Plaguespurt gauntlet

Deathshroud Terminators [7 PL, 150pts]
Deathshroud Champion: Plaguespurt gauntlet
2x Deathshroud Terminator: 2x Manreaper, 2x Plaguespurt gauntlet

Tallyman [4 PL, 70pts]: Tollkeeper

+ Fast Attack +

Foetid Bloat-drone [7 PL, 135pts]: Fleshmower

Foetid Bloat-drone [7 PL, 135pts]: Fleshmower

+ Heavy Support +

Plagueburst Crawler [9 PL, 175pts]: 2x Entropy cannon, Heavy slugger

Plagueburst Crawler [9 PL, 175pts]: 2x Entropy cannon, Heavy slugger

++ Total: [103 PL, 8CP, 2,000pts] ++

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Discord ID: Vhala|Matthias#6679
BCP Email: n/a
ITC Faction: Sisters of Battle / Adepta Sororitas
Warlord: Morvenn Vhal
Commandpoints: 6
Total army points: 2000 

+++ New Roster (Warhammer 40,000 9th Edition) +++

++ Outrider Detachment -3CP (Imperium - Adepta Sororitas) [56 PL, 7CP, 1,156pts] ++

+ Configuration +

Battle Size [12CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points)

Detachment Command Cost [-3CP]

Order Convictions: Order: Ebon Chalice

+ Stratagems +

Stratagem: Open the Reliquaries [-1CP]: Additional Relics of the Ecclesiarchy

+ HQ +

Celestine and Geminae Superia [10 PL, 200pts]
. 2x Geminae Superia: 2x Bolt pistol, 2x Frag & Krak grenades, 2x Power sword

+ Elites +

Celestian Sacresants [6 PL, 131pts]
. 8x Celestian Sacresants (Anointed Halberd): 8x Anointed Halberd, 8x Bolt pistol, 8x Frag & Krak grenades
. Sacresant Superior: Bolt pistol, Spear of the Faithful

Dogmata [4 PL, -1CP, 65pts]: 4. Litany of Enduring Faith, 5. Verse of Holy Piety, Relic: The Sigil Ecclesiasticus, Stratagem: Saint in the Making, Warlord Trait: Terrible Knowledge

+ Fast Attack +

Dominion Squad [4 PL, 80pts]
. Dominion Superior
. . Bolt Pistol & Boltgun
. Dominion w/ Special Weapon: Artificier-crafted storm bolter
. Dominion w/ Special Weapon: Artificier-crafted storm bolter
. Dominion w/ Special Weapon: Artificier-crafted storm bolter
. Dominion w/ Special Weapon: Artificier-crafted storm bolter

Dominion Squad [4 PL, 80pts]
. Dominion Superior
. . Bolt Pistol & Boltgun
. Dominion w/ Special Weapon: Artificier-crafted storm bolter
. Dominion w/ Special Weapon: Artificier-crafted storm bolter
. Dominion w/ Special Weapon: Artificier-crafted storm bolter
. Dominion w/ Special Weapon: Artificier-crafted storm bolter

Seraphim Squad [4 PL, 90pts]
. 2x Seraphim: 4x Bolt pistol, 2x Frag & Krak grenades
. Seraphim Superior: Bolt pistol, Bolt pistol
. Seraphim w/ Special Weapons: 2x Ministorum Hand Flamers
. Seraphim w/ Special Weapons: 2x Ministorum Hand Flamers

Seraphim Squad [4 PL, 90pts]
. 2x Seraphim: 4x Bolt pistol, 2x Frag & Krak grenades
. Seraphim Superior: Bolt pistol, Bolt pistol
. Seraphim w/ Special Weapons: 2x Ministorum Hand Flamers
. Seraphim w/ Special Weapons: 2x Ministorum Hand Flamers

+ Heavy Support +

Retributor Squad [6 PL, 130pts]: 2x Armourium Cherub
. Retributor Superior
. . Bolt Pistol & Boltgun
. Retributor w/ Heavy Weapon: Ministorum Heavy Flamer
. Retributor w/ Heavy Weapon: Ministorum Heavy Flamer
. Retributor w/ Heavy Weapon: Multi-melta
. Retributor w/ Heavy Weapon: Multi-melta

Retributor Squad [6 PL, 130pts]: 2x Armourium Cherub
. Retributor Superior
. . Bolt Pistol & Boltgun
. Retributor w/ Heavy Weapon: Ministorum Heavy Flamer
. Retributor w/ Heavy Weapon: Ministorum Heavy Flamer
. Retributor w/ Heavy Weapon: Multi-melta
. Retributor w/ Heavy Weapon: Multi-melta

+ Dedicated Transport +

Sororitas Rhino [4 PL, 80pts]

Sororitas Rhino [4 PL, 80pts]

++ Patrol Detachment 0CP (Imperium - Adepta Sororitas) [42 PL, -1CP, 844pts] ++

+ Configuration +

Detachment Command Cost

Order Convictions: Order: Bloody Rose

+ No Force Org Slot +

Repentia Superior [2 PL, -1CP, 40pts]: Relic: Litanies of Faith, Stratagem: Saint in the Making, Warlord Trait: 4. Beacon of Faith

+ HQ +

Morvenn Vahl [13 PL, 265pts]: Warlord

+ Troops +

Battle Sister Squad [3 PL, 55pts]
. 4x Battle Sister: 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Boltgun, 4x Frag & Krak grenades
. Sister Superior
. . Bolt Pistol & Boltgun

+ Elites +

Sisters Repentia [6 PL, 112pts]
. 8x Sisters Repentia: 8x Penitent Eviscerator

Sisters Repentia [6 PL, 112pts]
. 8x Sisters Repentia: 8x Penitent Eviscerator

+ Fast Attack +

Zephyrim Squad [4 PL, 90pts]
. 4x Zephyrim: 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Frag & Krak grenades, 4x Power sword
. Zephyrim Superior: Bolt pistol, Zephyrim Pennant

Zephyrim Squad [4 PL, 90pts]
. 4x Zephyrim: 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Frag & Krak grenades, 4x Power sword
. Zephyrim Superior: Bolt pistol, Zephyrim Pennant

+ Dedicated Transport +

Sororitas Rhino [4 PL, 80pts]

++ Total: [98 PL, 6CP, 2,000pts] ++

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