Sec. Points:
Sec. Points:
Primary codex:
Primary codex:
Adeptus Astartes
Sec. codex:
Secondary codex:
Player: Dekkers
Factions used: Necrons
Army Points: 1995
Reinforcement points:0
Number of Units / Killpoints: 15
Pre Game Stratagems: Hand on the Phaeron [-2], Impacable Conqueror[-1 CP]
Pre Game Relic: Veil of Darkness [-1 CP]
Starting Command Points: 5

Warlord & Trait: Catacomb Command Barge: Voltaic Staff, Enduring Will .

Secondary Objectives Information
No Prisoners: 150 +
To the Last Units: 18 Flayed Ones, , Canoptek Wraiths, 18 Flayed Ones
Titan Hunter: N/A
Bring it Down: 1
Assasination: 7
Abhor the Witch: N/A

== Patrol Detachment < Eternal Conquerors, Relentlessly Expansionist> 0 CP[37 PL, 605 Pts]
HQ: Catacomb Command Barge: Warlord, Staff of Light: Voltaic Staff, Enduring Will, Hand of Phaeron (-2 CP) Gauss [9PL, 160 Pts]
TR: 5 immortals: Gauss [ 4PL, 85 pts]
EL1: 18 Flayed Ones [12 PL, 180 pts]
EL2: 18 Flayed Ones [12 PL, 180 pts]
== Outrider Detachment < Eternal Conquerors, Relentlessly Expansionist>-3 CP [85 PL, -2CP, 1.330pts]
HQ2: Technomancer: Canoptek Cloak, Veil of Darkness, Impacable Conqueror, Prismatic Obfuscatron [5 PL, 100 pts]
EL3: 5 Skorpekh Destroyers: Skorpekh Destroyer with Reap-Blade, 4* Skorpekh Destoyer with Tresher [10 PL, 150 pts]
E 4: 5 Skorpekh Destroyers: Skorpekh Destroyer with Reap-Blade, 4* Skorpekh Destoyer with Tresher [10 PL, 150 pts]
FA1: 3 Canoptek Scarab Swarms [2PL, 45 pts]
FA2: 3 Canoptek Scarab Swarms [2PL, 45 pts]
FA3: 3 Canoptek Scarab Swarms [2PL, 45 pts]
FA4: 5 Canoptek Wraiths: Claws [10 PL, 175 pts]
FA5: 5 Canoptek Wraiths: Claws [10 PL, 175 pts]
FA6: 5 Canoptek Wraiths: Claws [10 PL, 175 pts]
HS1: 3 Lokhust Heavy Destroyers: Gauss Destructor [12 PL, 165 pts]
HS2: 3 Lokhust Heavy Destroyers: Gauss Destructor [12 PL, 165 pts]