Sec. Points:
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Primary codex:
Adeptus Custodes
Primary codex:
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[b]++ Battalion Detachment 0CP (Imperium - Adeptus Custodes) [99 PL, 2,000pts, 9CP] ++[/b]

[b]+ Configuration +[/b]

[b]Battle Size [12CP]:[/b] 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points)

[b]Detachment Command Cost[/b]

[b]Detachment Type / Shield Host:[/b] Adeptus Custodes, Shadowkeepers

[b]+ Stratagems +[/b]

[b]Stratagem: Open the Vaults [-1CP]:[/b] Additional Relics

[b]+ HQ +[/b]

[b]Shield-Captain in Allarus Terminator Armor [6 PL, 115pts, -1CP]:[/b] 3. Superior Creation, Castellan Axe, Misericordia, Praetorian Plate, Stratagem: The Emperor's Heroes

[b]Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike [10 PL, 180pts, -2CP]:[/b] (Shadowkeepers): Lockwarden, (Shadowkeepers): Statis Oubliette, 5. Radiant Mantle, Misericordia, Salvo Launcher, Stratagem: The Emperor's Heroes, Stratagem: Victor of the Blood Games, Tip of the Spear

[b]Trajann Valoris [8 PL, 160pts, 1CP][/b]

[b]+ Troops +[/b]

[b]Custodian Guard Squad [7 PL, 135pts][/b]
. 3x Custodian w/ Guardian Spear & Misericordia: 3x Guardian Spear, 3x Misericordia

[b]Prosecutors [3 PL, 60pts]:[/b] Prosecutor Sister Superior
. 4x Prosecutor: 4x Boltgun

[b]Sagittarum Custodians [7 PL, 150pts][/b]
. 3x Sagittarum w/ Misericordia: 3x Adrastus Bolt Caliver, 3x Misericordia

[b]Sagittarum Custodians [7 PL, 150pts][/b]
. 3x Sagittarum w/ Misericordia: 3x Adrastus Bolt Caliver, 3x Misericordia

[b]+ Elites +[/b]

[b]Allarus Custodians [9 PL, 180pts][/b]
. 3x Allarus w/ Castellan Axe & Misericordia: 3x Balistus Grenade Launcher, 3x Castellan Axe, 3x Misericordia

[b]Allarus Custodians [6 PL, 120pts][/b]
. 2x Allarus w/ Castellan Axe & Misericordia: 2x Balistus Grenade Launcher, 2x Castellan Axe, 2x Misericordia

[b]+ Fast Attack +[/b]

[b]Vertus Praetors [12 PL, 250pts][/b]
. Praetor w/ Hurricane Bolter & Misericordia
. 2x Praetor w/ Salvo Launcher & Misericordia: 2x Interceptor Lance, 2x Misericordia, 2x Salvo Launcher

[b]Vertus Praetors [12 PL, 250pts][/b]
. Praetor w/ Hurricane Bolter & Misericordia
. 2x Praetor w/ Salvo Launcher & Misericordia: 2x Interceptor Lance, 2x Misericordia, 2x Salvo Launcher

[b]Vertus Praetors [12 PL, 250pts][/b]
. Praetor w/ Hurricane Bolter & Misericordia
. 2x Praetor w/ Salvo Launcher & Misericordia: 2x Interceptor Lance, 2x Misericordia, 2x Salvo Launcher

[b]++ Total: [99 PL, 9CP, 2,000pts] ++[/b]

Created with [url=https://battlescribe.net]BattleScribe[/url]
Hive fleet: BEHEMOTH
Adaptation: HYPER AGGRESSION +1S when charge/d, Heroic Int
Hyper-Adap: AUGMENTEG FEROCITY +1 charge rolls
Battalion Detachement: -3CP+3CP (Warlord)
Com. Points 10 Rarefield Ench. (Relic) -1CP
Hive Predator (Worlord Trait) -1CP

Jednostka Koszt Koszt jednostki Ilość KOSZT oddziału
HQ TERVIGON 215 215 1 215 Catalyst
SWARMLORD 220 220 1 220 Catalyst, Onslaught
TRYGONPRIME 175 10 15 200 1 200 Passanger (+2 char, adv rolls), Toxin sacs
Adaptive biology (FNP 5+), Adrenal glands,

TERMAGANTS 7 7 30 210
HORMAGAUNTS 8 2 10 20 200 Adrenal glands
WARRIORS 25 25 3 75 Dual bonesword
WARRIORS 25 25 3 75 Dual bonesword

Elite ZOANTHROPE 50 50 3 150

Fast RAVENER 30 30 6 180 Rending claws
TRYGON 145 25 15 185 1 185 Dermic Symbiosis (Inv 4+), Adrenal glands

Heavy SCREAM-KILL 115 5 10 130 1 130 Toxin sacs, Adrenal glands

Flyer HARPY 160 160 1 160

TOTAL: 2000