Sec. Points:
Sec. Points:
Primary codex:
Death Guard
Primary codex:
Sec. codex:
Secondary codex:
* Player #: Łukasz Deptuła
* Team: WKS
* Factions used: Chaos - Death Guard

* Army points: 2000
* Reinforcement Points: none pts
* Number of Units / Killpoints: 17

* Pre Game Stratagems: 3
* Starting Command Points: 6 -5 = 1

* Warlord: Death Guard Chaos Lord

* Secondary Objectives Information
* Assassination: 13
* Bring it Down: 10
* No Prisoners: 6
* Abhor the Witch: 3

== The Ferrymen Battalion Detachment =[109 PL, 2000 pts] ==

HQ: Death Guard Chaos Lord [5 PL, 85 pts] Astartes chainsword, Plasma pistol, Warlord
HQ: Malignant Plaguecaster [5 PL, 90 pts] 1. Miasma of Pestilence, 4. Putrescent Vitality, Smite

TR: 10 Poxwalkers [3 PL, 50 pts] 10xPoxwalker
TR: 10 Poxwalkers [3 PL, 50 pts] 10xPoxwalker
TR: 10 Poxwalkers [3 PL, 50 pts] 10xPoxwalker

EL: Chaos Contemptor Dreadnought [8 PL, 195 pts] Hellforged cyclone missile launcher, 2xTwin volkite culverin
EL: Chaos Contemptor Dreadnought [8 PL, 195 pts] Hellforged cyclone missile launcher, 2xTwin volkite culverin
EL: 3 Deathshroud Terminators [9 PL, 150 pts] Deathshroud Champion (2x Plaguespurt gauntlet), 2xDeathshroud Terminator
EL: 3 Deathshroud Terminators [9 PL, 150 pts] Deathshroud Champion (2x Plaguespurt gauntlet), 2xDeathshroud Terminator
EL: 3 Deathshroud Terminators [9 PL, 150 pts] Deathshroud Champion (Plaguespurt gauntlet), 2xDeathshroud Terminator
EL: Tallyman [4 PL, 70 pts] Stratagem: Relic, Tollkeeper

FA: Foetid Bloat-drone [7 PL, 120 pts] Fleshmower
FA: Foetid Bloat-drone [7 PL, 120 pts] Fleshmower

HS: Plagueburst Crawler [8 PL, 145 pts] 2xEntropy cannon, Heavy slugger
HS: Plagueburst Crawler [8 PL, 145 pts] 2xEntropy cannon, Heavy slugger
HS: Plagueburst Crawler [8 PL, 145 pts] 2xEntropy cannon, Rothail volley gun

NFO: Foul Blightspawn [5 PL, 90 pts] 4. Arch-Contaminator, Revolting Stench-vats, Stratagem: Relic, Stratagem: Warlord Trait

Player Łukasz 'Manro' Romanowski:
Team: Poznańskie Wujasy
Factions Used: Tyranids
Army Points: 2000pts
Reinforcement Points:0
Number of Units / Killpoints: 12
Pre Game Stratagems: Relic -1, hive predator -2, warlord trait - 1;
Starting Command Points: 2
Warlord & Trait: Flying Tyrant, Adaptive Biology
Army Trait: Behemoth, (Lurk - territorial instinct)
Secondary Objectives Information
No Prisoners: 7 pts
To the Last Units: Flyrant, carnifex/zoanthropes
Titan Hunter: 0
Bring it Down: 9
Assasination: 10
Abhor the Witch: 8
== Behemoth ((Lurk) Territorial Instincts) Battalion Detachment == 0 CP, 2000 pts, 104 PL ==
Chapter Tactic/Order Conviction/Hive Fleet Adaptations:
HQ1: Neurothrope: Power: Catalyst, Power: Paroxysm, Warlord Trait: Synaptic Tendrils [100 pts, 5 PL]
HQ2: Winged Hive Tyrant: Adrenal Glands, Lash Whip and Monstrous Bonesword, Power: Onslaught, Power: Psychic Scream, Power: Unstoppable Onslaught, Relic: The Reaper of Obilterax, Stratagem: Warlord Trait, Toxin Sacs, Warlord, Warlord Trait: Adaptive Biology [230 pts, 11 PL, -1 CP]

TR1: Hormagaunts: 10xHormagaunt [80 pts, 4 PL]
TR2: Hormagaunts: 10xHormagaunt [80 pts, 4 PL]
TR3: Tyranid Warriors: 3xTyranid Warrior (Deathspitter, Dual Boneswords), Tyranid Warrior (Dual Boneswords, Venom Cannon) [125 pts, 8 PL]

FA1: Mawloc: Adaptive Physiology: Dermic Symbiosis, Biostatic Rattle [150 pts, 9 PL]
FA2: Parasite of Mortrex: Warlord Trait: Alien Cunning [80 pts, 4 PL]

HS1: Biovores: 3xBiovore [135 pts, 9 PL]
HS2: Carnifexes: 3xCarnifex (Adrenal Glands, Enhanced Senses, Heavy Venom Cannon, Toxin Sacs, Two Carnifex Scything Talons) [450 pts, 21 PL]
HS3: Carnifexes: 2xCarnifex (Adrenal Glands, Enhanced Senses, Heavy Venom Cannon, Toxin Sacs, Two Carnifex Scything Talons) [300 pts, 14 PL]

- Tyrant Guard: 3xTyrant Guard (Lash/Sword) [120 pts, 8 PL]
- Zoanthropes: Power: Neuroparasite, 3xZoanthrope [150 pts, 7 PL]