Sec. Points:
Sec. Points:
Primary codex:
Death Guard
Primary codex:
Astra Militarum
Sec. codex:
Secondary codex:
Plague Company: Mortarion's Anvil

+ HQ +

Lord of Contagion [6 PL, -2CP, 120pts]: Gloaming Bloat,Warp Insect Hive
Malignant Plaguecaster :90pts 1. Miasma of Pestilence, 6. Gift of Plagues
Malignant Plaguecaster: 90pts 2. Gift of Contagion, 4. Putrescent Vitality

+ Troops +

5x Plague Marines [6 PL, 105pts] flail of corruption, blight launcher, great plague cleaver, champion power fist
20x Poxwalker 100p
20x Poxwalker 100p
20x Poxwalker 100p

+ Elites +

3x Deathshroud Terminators - champion additional Plaguespurt gauntlet, reaper of glorious entropy -1cp

3x Deathshroud Terminators -champion additional Plaguespurt gauntlet, plague skull of glothila -1cp

3x Deathshroud Terminators - champion additional Plaguespurt gauntlet,

Tallyman [4 PL, 70pts]

+ Fast Attack +

Foetid Bloat-drone [7 PL, 120pts]: Fleshmower
Foetid Bloat-drone [7 PL, 120pts]: Fleshmower
2xMyphitic Blight-hauler

+ Heavy Support +

Plagueburst Crawler [8 PL, 145pts]: 2x Entropy cannon, Heavy slugger
Plagueburst Crawler [8 PL, 145pts]: 2x Entropy cannon, Heavy slugger

++ Total: [116 PL, - 4cp, 2,000pts] ++

++ Battalion Detachment 0CP (Imperium - Death Korps of Krieg) [106 PL, 4CP, 1,999pts] ++

+ Configuration +

Battle Size [6CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points)

Detachment Command Cost

Gametype: 4. Chapter Approved: War Zone Nephilim

Regimental Doctrine: Death Korps of Krieg

+ HQ +

Death Korps Marshal [2 PL, -2CP, 35pts]: Bolt pistol, Power sword, Relic: The Laurels of Command, Stratagem: Relic, Stratagem: Warlord Trait, Warlord, WT: Master of Command

Tank Commander [12 PL, 240pts]: Battle Cannon, Heavy Stubber, Hunter-Killer Missile, Lascannon
. 2 Heavy Bolters

Tank Commander [12 PL, 240pts]: Battle Cannon, Heavy Stubber, Hunter-Killer Missile, Lascannon
. 2 Heavy Bolters

+ Troops +

Militarum Tempestus Scions [5 PL, 100pts]
. 6x Scion: 6x Frag & Krak grenades, 6x Hot-shot Lasgun
. Scion w/ Special Weapon: Hot-shot Volley Gun
. Scion w/ Special Weapon: Hot-shot Volley Gun
. Scion w/ Vox-caster
. Tempestor: Plasma pistol, Power sword

Militarum Tempestus Scions [5 PL, 100pts]
. 6x Scion: 6x Frag & Krak grenades, 6x Hot-shot Lasgun
. Scion w/ Special Weapon: Hot-shot Volley Gun
. Scion w/ Special Weapon: Hot-shot Volley Gun
. Scion w/ Vox-caster
. Tempestor: Plasma pistol, Power sword

Militarum Tempestus Scions [5 PL, 100pts]
. 6x Scion: 6x Frag & Krak grenades, 6x Hot-shot Lasgun
. Scion w/ Special Weapon: Hot-shot Volley Gun
. Scion w/ Special Weapon: Hot-shot Volley Gun
. Scion w/ Vox-caster
. Tempestor: Plasma pistol, Power sword

Militarum Tempestus Scions [5 PL, 100pts]
. 6x Scion: 6x Frag & Krak grenades, 6x Hot-shot Lasgun
. Scion w/ Special Weapon: Hot-shot Volley Gun
. Scion w/ Special Weapon: Hot-shot Volley Gun
. Scion w/ Vox-caster
. Tempestor: Plasma pistol, Power sword

Militarum Tempestus Scions [5 PL, 100pts]
. 6x Scion: 6x Frag & Krak grenades, 6x Hot-shot Lasgun
. Scion w/ Special Weapon: Hot-shot Volley Gun
. Scion w/ Special Weapon: Hot-shot Volley Gun
. Scion w/ Vox-caster
. Tempestor: Plasma pistol, Power sword

+ Elites +

Command Squad [2 PL, 25pts]
. Veteran: Lasgun
. Veteran w/ Medi-pack: Lasgun
. Veteran w/ Regimental Standard: Lasgun
. Veteran w/ Vox-caster: Lasgun

Platoon Commander [2 PL, 25pts]: Bolt pistol, Power sword

Tech-Priest Enginseer [2 PL, 35pts]

+ Fast Attack +

Armoured Sentinels [9 PL, 135pts]
. Armoured Sentinel: Hunter-killer missile, Lascannon
. Armoured Sentinel: Hunter-killer missile, Lascannon
. Armoured Sentinel: Hunter-killer missile, Lascannon

Death Rider Squadron [5 PL, 100pts]
. 4x Death Korps Death Riders: 4x Death Rider Hunting Lance, 4x Frag & Krak grenades, 4x Laspistol, 4x Savage claws
. Ridemaster: Death Rider Hunting Lance, Laspistol

Death Rider Squadron [5 PL, 100pts]
. 4x Death Korps Death Riders: 4x Death Rider Hunting Lance, 4x Frag & Krak grenades, 4x Laspistol, 4x Savage claws
. Ridemaster: Death Rider Hunting Lance, Laspistol

+ Heavy Support +

Leman Russ Battle Tanks [10 PL, 188pts]
. Leman Russ Demolisher: Heavy Flamer, Storm Bolter, Track guards, Turret-mounted Demolisher Siege Cannon
. . 2 Heavy Flamers

Leman Russ Battle Tanks [10 PL, 188pts]
. Leman Russ Demolisher: Heavy Flamer, Storm Bolter, Track guards, Turret-mounted Demolisher Siege Cannon
. . 2 Heavy Flamers

Leman Russ Battle Tanks [10 PL, 188pts]
. Leman Russ Demolisher: Heavy Flamer, Storm Bolter, Track guards, Turret-mounted Demolisher Siege Cannon
. . 2 Heavy Flamers

++ Total: [106 PL, 4CP, 1,999pts] ++

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