Sec. Points:
Sec. Points:
Primary codex:
Questor Traitoris
Primary codex:
Adeptus Custodes
Sec. codex:
Secondary codex:
Player 7: Amber
Team: North Road Gaming CLub

Factions Used: Chaos Knights

Army Points:1985 pts
Reinforcement Points: 0

Number of Units / Killpoints: 9

Pre Game Stratagems: Relic, Warlord Trait
Starting Command Points: 4

Warlord: Knight Desecrator
Army Trait: Harbingers of Dread

Secondary Objectives Information
No Prisoners: 0
Bring it Down: 22
Assassination: 7?
Abhor the Witch: 3


== Chaos Knights– iconoclast Household – Super-Heavy Detachment = 0CP, [103PL, 1985pts] == Prideful Wrath

LOW: Knight Abominant [24PL, 465pts]
---psychic powers: winds of warp, the storm malevolent
---Favour of the dark gods: tzeentch - cursed rune of fate

LOW: Knight Desecrator [21PL, 420pts] (warlord)
---Warlord trait: Aura of Terror
---Favour of the dark gods: slaanesh - Quicksilver Throne
---Relic: The Teeth That Hunger

LOW: 2 Wardog Executioner [16PL, 310pts] 2 diabolus heavy stubbers

LOW: 3 Wardog Stalker [25PL, 475pts] 2 reaper chaintalon
--- 1 wardog Favour of the dark gods: tzeentch pyrothrone - power coruscating hate

LOW: 2 Wardog Stalker [17PL, 315pts
--- 1 wardog Favour of the dark gods: nurgle blessing of a thousand poxes

Player 8: Martin Toall
Team: The Rat Pack
Factions Used: Adeptus Custodes
Army Points: 1999
Reinforcement Points: 1
Number of Units / Killpoints: 10
Pre Game Stratagems: Open The Vaults, Warlord Trait, The Emperor’s Heroes
Starting Command Points: 4
Warlord: Trajann Valoris
Army Trait: Martial Ka’tah, Aegis of the Emperor
Secondary Objectives Information
No Prisoners: 98 (10VP)
Bring it Down: 1
Assassination: 7
Abhor the Witch: 0
== Adeptus Custodes – Emmisaries Imperatus – Battalion Detachment = +6CP, [108PL, 1999pts, 4CP] ==
Shield Host Fighting Style: Heralds of the Throne

HQ: Trajann Valoris +1CP [8PL, 200pts]
- - - Warlord Trait [-1CP] : Master of Martial Stratagy, Champion of the Imperium

HQ: Shield Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike [10PL, 180pts] Salvo Launcher, Misericordia
- - - The Emperors Heroes [-1CP] : Superior Creation

TR: 4 Custodian Guard [11PL, 195pts] misericordias, 3x guardian spear, 1x praesidium shield and sentinel blade

TR: 4 Custodian Guard [11PL, 195pts] misericordias, 3x guardian spear, 1x praesidium shield and sentinel blade

TR: 4 Saggitarum Guard [13PL, 200pts] misericordias

TR: 4 Saggitarum Guard [13PL, 200pts] misericordias

TR: 3 Saggitarum Guard [7PL, 150pts] misericordias

EL: Contemptor-Achillus Dreadnaught [9PL, 170pts] 2x lastrum storm bolters

FA: 5 Vertus Praetors [20PL, 425pts] Salvo Launchers and Misericordias

FA: 6 Witchseekers [6PL, 84pts]
