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Heretic Astartes
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+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + TEAM: Russia + PLAYER 8: Sergey "Starrok" Stazhilo-Alekseev + PLAYER TOURNEYKEEPER PROFILE: Sergey Stazhilo-Alekseev, ID 1889 + ARMY (Factions used): Dark Eldar, Chaos Space Marines + TOTAL ARMY POINTS: 1846 pts +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ == Primary Detachment: Dark Eldar Combined Arms Detachment == HQ1: Lhamaean (10), Venom DT (55) [65 pts] Troop 1: 5 Kabalite Warriors (40), Sybarite (10), Venom DT (55), Splinter Cannon (10) - [115 pts] - WARLORD Troop 2: 5 Kabalite Warriors (40), Blaster (15) Venom DT (55), Splinter Cannon (10) - [120pts] Troop 3: 5 Kabalite Warriors (40), Blaster (15) Venom DT (55), Splinter Cannon (10) - [120pts] Troop 4: 5 Kabalite Warriors (40), Blaster (15) Venom DT (55), Splinter Cannon (10) - [120pts] Troop 5: 5 Kabalite Warriors (40), Blaster (15) Venom DT (55), Splinter Cannon (10) - [120pts] Troop 6: 5 Kabalite Warriors (40), Shredder (5), Venom DT (55), Splinter Cannon (10) - [110 pts] Elite 1: 3 Mandrakes - [36 pts] FA1: Venom (55), Splinter Cannon (10) - [65 pts] FA2: Venom (55), Splinter Cannon (10) - [65 pts] FA3: Venom (55), Splinter Cannon (10) - [65 pts] Fortification 1: Imperial Bunker (55), Comms Relay (20) - [75 pts] == Secondary Detachment: Haemonculus Covens: Scalpel Squadron == Elite1: 5 Wracks (50), Ossefactor (15), Venom DT (55), Splinter Cannon (10) - [130 pts] Elite2: 5 Wracks (50), Ossefactor (15), Venom DT (55), Splinter Cannon (10) - [130 pts] == Tertiary Detachment: Chaos Space Marines Air Superiority Detachment (Death From The Skies) == Flyer Wing: FAST1: 3 Helldrakes (3x170), 3 Baleflamers (3x0) - [510pts]
== Primary Detachment: Eldar Craftworlds Combined Arms Detachment ==
HQ 1: Farseer (100) Skyrunner (15), Singing Spear (5) [120] - WARLORD
HQ 2: Farseer (100) Skyrunner (15) [115]
Troops 1: Windriders (51pts) 2xScatter Laser (20) [71]
Troops 2: Windriders (51pts) 2xScatter Laser (20) [71]
Elite1: Wraithguard (160) 5x D-scythe (50pts) [210]
Fast Attack 1: Warp Spiders [95]
Fast Attack 2: Warp Spiders [95]
Heavy Support 1: Vaul's Wrath Support Battery (90pts) 3x Shadow weaver (0) [90]
LOW 1: Wraithknight (295) Two Heavy Wraithcannons (0), Scatter laser (15pts) [310]
Fortification 1: Wall of Martyrs Imperial Bunker (55) Escape Hatch (25) Comms Relay (20) [100pts]
== Secondary Detachment: Allied Detachment: Dark Eldar ==
HQ 1: Archon (65pts) Webway portal (35pts) [95]
Troop 1: Kabalite Warriors [40pts]
== Tertiary Detachment: Allied Detachment: Chaos Daemons ==
HQ 1: The Masque of Slaanesh [75pts]
Troop 1: Nurglings [45pts]
== Quaternary Detachment: Eldar Craftworlds Aspect Host Formation ==(+1 BS)
Fast Attack 1: Warp Spiders (95pts) Warp Spider Exarch (10) [105]
Fast Attack 2: Warp Spiders (95pts) Warp Spider Exarch (10) [105]
Fast Attack 3: Warp Spiders (95pts) Warp Spider Exarch (10) [105]