Sec. Points:
Sec. Points:
Primary codex:
Heretic Astartes
Primary codex:
Adeptus Astartes
Sec. codex:
Chaos Daemons
Secondary codex:
Space Wolves
Player: Karol "Elfi Chlebek" Lembas
Factions used: Chaos - Daemons, Chaos - Chaos Space Marines
Army points: 2000
Reinforcement Points: none pts
Number of Units / Killpoints: 16
Pre Game Stratagems: WARLORD TRAIT, Relic, Aspiring Lord x2, Trophies of The Long War
Starting Command Points: 1
Warlord: Dark Apostle
Secondary Objectives Information
Assassination: 16
Bring it Down: 6
No Prisoners: 12 (total wounds: 106)
Abhor the Witch: 9

== Night Lords Arks of Omen = 0 CP, [94 PL, 1630 pts] ==

HQ: Daemon Prince with Wings [11 PL, 180 pts] 3. Hatred Incarnate, Aspiring Lord, Death Hex, G'holl'ax, the Decayed, Hellforged sword, Malefic talons, Mark of Nurgle, Stratagem: Relic, Wings
HQ: 3 Dark Apostle [6 PL, 110 pts] 3. Murderous Reputation, Litany of Despair, Mark of Nurgle, Stratagem: Warlord Trait, Warlord
HQ: Master of Possession [6 PL, 105 pts] Chaos Undivided, Mutated Invigoration, Pact of Flesh, Smite

TR: 10 Cultists Mob [2 PL, 50 pts] 7xChaos Cultist w/ cultist firearm, 2xChaos Cultist w/Autopistol and brutal assault weapon, Cultist Champion Autopistol and brutal assault weapon

EL: Decimator [9 PL, 180 pts] 2xSoulburner petard
EL: Decimator [9 PL, 180 pts] 2xSoulburner petard
EL: Master of Executions [5 PL, 80 pts] 6. Dirty Fighter, Aspiring Lord, Mark of Khorne
EL: 10 Plague Marines [13 PL, 205 pts] Plague Champion (Black Rune of Damnation, Plasma gun, Power fist, Trophies of the Long War), 2xPlague Marine w/ blight launcher, Plague Marine w/ bubotic axe, 2xPlague Marine w/ cleaver, 2xPlague Marine w/ flail, 2xPlague Marine w/ mace and axe
EL: 10 Plague Marines [13 PL, 205 pts] Plague Champion (Plasma gun, Power fist), 2xPlague Marine w/ blight launcher, Plague Marine w/ bubotic axe, 2xPlague Marine w/ cleaver, 2xPlague Marine w/ flail, 2xPlague Marine w/ mace and axe
EL: 10 Plague Marines [13 PL, 205 pts] Plague Champion (Plasma gun, Power fist), 2xPlague Marine w/ blight launcher, Plague Marine w/ bubotic axe, 2xPlague Marine w/ cleaver, 2xPlague Marine w/ flail, 2xPlague Marine w/ mace and axe

FA: Chaos Spawn [1 PL, 25 pts]
FA: Venomcrawler [6 PL, 105 pts]

== Chaos Undivided Patrol Detachment = 0 CP, [19 PL, 370 pts] ==

HQ: Tranceweaver [4 PL, 70 pts] Hysterical Frenzy, Ravaging claws, Smite

TR: 10 Daemonettes [6 PL, 120 pts] Alluress, 9xDaemonette, Daemonic icon, Instrument of Chaos
TR: 10 Daemonettes [6 PL, 120 pts] Alluress, 9xDaemonette, Daemonic icon, Instrument of Chaos
TR: 3 Nurglings [3 PL, 60 pts] 3xNurgling Swarms


+ Player: Łukasz Lańda „Skurcybyk”
+ Player Email: semja77@windowslive.com
+ Army Faction: Space Marines, Space Wolfs Custom Sub-faction
+ Total Command Points: 2
+ Pre Game Stratagems: Relic: Frost Weapon (-1CP), Hero of the Chapter: Wise Orator (-1CP), Warlord Trait: The Imperium's Sword (-1CP), Warrior of Legend: Hunter (-1CP)
+ Total Army Cost: 2000 pts. 119 PL

No Prisoners: 160W
Bring it Down: 2
Assassination: 10
Abhor the Witch: 3

Army Faction: Imperium
Game Mode: Grand Tournament
Army Size: Strikeforce

Adeptus Astartes
Custom Sub-faction: Whirlwind of Heroes (Whirlwind of Rage, Born Heroes)

HQ1: Pack Thegn (Primaris Captain) (115/7PL/3CP) Warlord, Chapter Command upgrade: Chapter Master, Master-crafted power sword, Heavy bolt pistol, Relic shield, Traits: The Imperium Sword(1CP), Hunter(1CP), Relics: Frost Weapon(1CP)
HQ2: Wolf Priest (Primaris Chaplain) (95/6PL/1CP) Chapter Command upgrade: Master of Sanctity, Traits: Wise Orator (1CP), Litanies: Exhortation of Rage, Canticle of Hate (Aura)
HQ3: Rune Priest (Primaris Librarian) (85/5PL) Psychic Powers: Instincts Awoken, Murderous Hurricane

T1: Assault Intercessor Squad (85/5PL), Sergeant: Thunder hammer, Plasma pistol
T2: Infiltrator Squad (100/6PL), Helix gauntlet

E1: Aggressor Squad (150/12PL) 5x Flamestorm guntlet
E2: Bladeguard Veteran Squad (175/10PL)
E3: Hounds of Morkai (170/10PL)
E4: Reiver Squad (160/10PL) 1x Combat knife, 10x Bolt carbine
E5: Wolf Guard Terminators (170/9PL) 5x Thunder hammer, 5x Storm shield
E6: Wulfen (145/6PL) 1x Frost Claws, 4x Thunder hammer(40), Storm shield

FA1: Outrider Squad (105/6PL)
FA2: Thunderwolf Cavalry (105/7PL) 3x Lightning claw, 3xStorm shield
FA3: Thunderwolf Cavalry (105/7PL) 3x Lightning claw, 3xStorm shield

HS1: Eradicator Squad (135/7PL) 3x Melta rifle

DT1: Impulsor (100/6PL) Ironhail skytalon array, 2x Fragstorm grenade launcher