Sec. Points:
Sec. Points:
Primary codex:
Genestealer cult
Primary codex:
World Eaters
Sec. codex:
Secondary codex:
+ PLAYER: Aliaksandr, Ivanou, Erle, WA879
+ Army name: Fury Road
+ TK: mr.Erle
+ GV: Erle
+ ARMY FACTION: Tyranids - Genestealer Cults
+ PRE GAME STRATEGEMS: 1x Relic, 2x Gene-sire's Gifts
Assassination: 16 points
Bring it Down: 10 points
No Prisoners: 13 points (total wounds: 111) + resurrection
Abhor the Witch: 3 points

== The Rusted Claw Arks of Omen - Compulsory slot: Troops == 0 CP, 2000 pts, 100 PL

HQ1: Magus [80 pts, 4 PL]
--- Psychic Familiar
--- Powers: Psychic stimulus, Psionic Blast

HQ2: Primus [70 pts, 4 PL]
--- Warlord

TR1: Acolyte Hybrids [50 pts, 3 PL]
--- 3x Acolyte Hybrid
--- Acolyte Hybrid: 2x Demolition Charge
--- Acolyte Leader (Cult Claws and Knife, Cult Lash Whip)

TR2: Acolyte Hybrids [50 pts, 3 PL]
--- 3x Acolyte Hybrid
--- Acolyte Hybrid: 2x Demolition Charge
--- Acolyte Leader (Cult Claws and Knife, Cult Lash Whip)

TR3: Acolyte Hybrids [50 pts, 3 PL]
--- 3x Acolyte Hybrid
--- Acolyte Hybrid: 2x Demolition Charge
--- Acolyte Leader (Cult Claws and Knife, Cult Lash Whip)

TR4: Acolyte Hybrids [62 pts, 3 PL]
--- 3x Acolyte Hybrid: Cult Claws and Knife, Hand flamer
--- Acolyte Hybrid: 2x Demolition Charge
--- Acolyte Leader: Cult Claws and Knife, Hand flamer

TR5: Acolyte Hybrids [62 pts, 3 PL]
--- 3x Acolyte Hybrid: Cult Claws and Knife, Hand flamer
--- Acolyte Hybrid: 2x Demolition Charge
--- Acolyte Leader: Cult Claws and Knife, Hand flamer

TR6: Acolyte Hybrids [62 pts, 3 PL]
--- 3x Acolyte Hybrid: Cult Claws and Knife, Hand flamer
--- Acolyte Hybrid: 2x Demolition Charge
--- Acolyte Leader: Cult Claws and Knife, Hand flamer

TR7: Acolyte Hybrids [59 pts, 3 PL]
--- Acolyte Hybrid
--- 2x Acolyte Hybrid: Cult Claws and Knife, Hand flamer
--- Acolyte Hybrid: 2x Demolition Charge
--- Acolyte Leader: Cult Claws and Knife, Hand flamer

TR8: Neophyte Hybrids [200 pts, 9 PL]
--- 10x Neophyte Hybrid
--- Neophyte Hybrid: Cult Icon, Autogun
--- 4x Neophyte Hybrid: Seismic Cannon
--- 4x Neophyte Hybrid: Webber
--- Neophyte Leader: Autogun
--- Proficient Planning: They Came From Below

TR9: Neophyte Hybrids [205 pts, 9 PL]
--- Neophyte Hybrid: Cult Icon, Cult Shotgun
--- 4x Neophyte Hybrid: Seismic Cannon
--- 10x Neophyte Hybrid: Shotgun
--- 4x Neophyte Hybrid: Flamer
--- Neophyte Leader: Power Pick, Web Pistol
--- Proficient Planning: A Perfect Ambush

TR10: Neophyte Hybrids [200 pts, 9 PL]
--- 4x Neophyte Hybrid: Seismic Cannon
--- 11x Neophyte Hybrid: Shotgun
--- 4x Neophyte Hybrid: Flamer
--- Neophyte Leader: Power Pick, Web Pistol
--- Proficient Planning: Lying in Wait

EL1: Kelermorph [80 pts, 3 PL]
--- Relic: Wyrmtooth Rounds

EL2: Nexos [50 pts, 3 PL]
--- Relic: Cranial Inlay

EL3: Reductus Saboteur [70 pts, 4 PL]
--- Relic: Opressor's Bane

FA1: Atalan Jackals [70 pts, 3 PL]
--- Atalan Jackal: Atalan Power Weapon, Demolition Charge
--- 2x Atalan Jackal: Atalan Power Weapon
--- Atalan Leader: Grenade Launcher, Atalan Power Weapon, Demolition Charge

FA2: Atalan Jackals [70 pts, 3 PL]
--- Atalan Jackal: Atalan Power Weapon, Demolition Charge
--- 2x Atalan Jackal: Atalan Power Weapon
--- Atalan Leader: Grenade Launcher, Atalan Power Weapon, Demolition Charge

HS1: Goliath Rockgrinder [110 pts, 6 PL]
--- Cache of Demolition Charges, Heavy Seismic Cannon

HS2: Goliath Rockgrinder [110 pts, 6 PL]
--- Cache of Demolition Charges, Heavy Seismic Cannon

HS3: Goliath Rockgrinder [110 pts, 6 PL]
--- Cache of Demolition Charges, Heavy Seismic Cannon

DT1: Goliath Truck [90 pts, 5 PL]
--- Cache of Demolition Charges

DT2: Goliath Truck [90 pts, 5 PL]
--- Cache of Demolition Charges

If I'm going to die, I'm going to die historic, on the fury road!
+ PLAYER: Bartosz Walczak - Walchuck
+ ARMY FACTION: World Eaters, Chaos Knights
+ PRE GAME STRATEGEMS: Warlord Trait, Relic
+ WARLORD: Lord Invocatus
No Prisoners: 12 (105 wounds)
Bring it Down: 6
Assassination: 7
Abhor the Witch: kurwa żadne (0)

Jak widzisz, noszę dwie kostki. Każdy gracz 40k ma dwie kostki. Nieżyczliwi mawiają, że ta biała jest na morale, a ta czarna na zaczynanie. To oczywiście nieprawda. Są paringi, ktore chcesz zaczynać, ale istnieją i takie, ktorych nie chcesz zaczynać i wtedy używasz białej. Nie, Grzesław, nie każda kostka, ale wyłącznie ta, o ktorą pytasz służy do rzucania 6 na melcie. Pytasz, co to za kostka? To kostka z Ukrainy. Widziałeś pewnie nieraz kostkę z Ukrainy, małą, niebiesko-żołtą. Widząc ją, wypowiadałeś zapewne przekleństwa wobec orkow. Dla mnie kostka z Ukrainy jest tylko kostką, ktora spadając daje wynik 6. Kostką, ktorą można wygrać grę.

== Arks of Omen Detachment - Compulsory Slot: Elites [1675pts, 94PL] ==

HQ1: Lord Invocatus [160 pts, 8PL]
--- Warlord Trait: Road of Eight Bloody Steps
HQ2: World Eaters Lord of Juggernaut [125pts, 10PL]
--- Relic: Berzerker Glaive

TR1: 5x Khorne Berzekers [120pts, 6PL]
--- Eviscerator
--- Champion w/icon
TR2: 5x Khorne Berzekers [120pts, 6PL]
--- Eviscerator
--- Champion w/icon
TR3: 5x Khorne Berzekers [115pts, 6PL]
--- Eviscerator
TR4: 5x Khorne Berzekers [115pts, 6PL]
--- Eviscerator

EL1: Exalted Eightbound [135pts, 7PL]
--- Champion: 2x chainfist
EL2: Exalted Eightbound [135pts, 7PL]
--- Champion: 2x chainfist
EL3: 5x Eightbound [200pts, 12PL]
--- Champion: Lacerators
EL4: 4x Eightbound [160pts, 12PL]
--- Champion: Lacerators
EL5: 4x Eightbound [160pts, 12PL]
--- Champion: Heavy Chainglaive

FA1: Chaos Spawn [25pts, 1PL]
FA2: Chaos Spawn [25pts, 1PL]

DT1: Chaos Rhino [80pts, 4PL]

== Super-Heavy Auxiliary Detachement == [325 pts, 17 PL]
Iconoclast Dreadblade: Worthy Offerings

LoW: War Dog Executioner Squadron [325pts, 17PL]
--- War Dog Executioner (Diabolus heavy stubber) - Favour of the Dark Gods: Mirror of Fates
--- War Dog Executioner (Diabolus heavy stubber)