Sec. Points:
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Primary codex:
Heretic Astartes
Primary codex:
Sec. codex:
Chaos Daemons
Secondary codex:
Player Name: Karol "Elfi Chlebek" Lembas
Factions used: Chaos - Chaos Space Marines, Chaos Daemons
Army Points: 2000
Army Enhancements: Liber Hereticus (Chaos Lord - podwójnie wybuchające 6)
Detachment Rules: Slaves to Darkness
Warlord: Abaddon
Secondary Objectives Information
Bring it Down: 6 VP
Assasination: 12 VP

== Slaves to Darkness Army Roster [2000 pts] ==

EH: Abaddon the Despoiler [280 pts] Warlord
EH: Cypher [105 pts] Close combat weapon, Cypher's bolt pistol, Cypher's plasma pistol (Cypher's plasma pistol)

CH: Chaos Lord [115 pts] Astartes chainsword, Chaos Undivided, Daemon hammer, Liber Hereticus (enchancement)

BL: 10 Cultist Mob [55 pts] 9xAutopistol and brutal assault weapon, Cultist Champion (Autopistol and brutal assault weapon), Nurgle
BL: 10 Cultist Mob [55 pts] 9xAutopistol and brutal assault weapon, Cultist Champion (Autopistol and brutal assault weapon), Nurgle

IN: 10 Chaos Terminator Squad [390 pts] 8xAccursed weapon and combi-bolter, 2xChainfist and combi-bolter, Chaos Undivided
IN: 10 Chosen [230 pts] Chaos Undivided, Chaos icon, 2xChosen w/ boltgun, 4xChosen w/ combi-weapon, 2xChosen w/ paired accursed weapons, 2xChosen w/ power fist

IN: 5 Chosen [115 pts] Chaos Undivided, Chaos icon, Chosen w/ boltgun, 2xChosen w/ combi-weapon, Chosen w/ paired accursed weapons, Chosen w/ power fist

IN: 5 Noise Marines [85 pts] Noise Champion (weapon, Power fist, Sonic blaster, Doom Siren), Noise Marine w/ blastmaster, 3xNoise Marine w/ chainsword

IN: 10 Possessed [290 pts] Chaos Undivided, Chaos icon, 10xPossessed

DT: Chaos Rhino [85 pts] Armoured tracks, Combi-bolter, Nurgle
DT: Chaos Rhino [85 pts] Armoured tracks, Combi-bolter, Nurgle

AU: 5 Flesh Hounds [70 pts]
AU: 3 Nurglings [40 pts]
Player: Grzegorz Kowalik "Forfiter"
Player ID: WA586
Factions used: Necrons
Army Points: 2000
Army enhancements: HQ5: Lokhust Lord: Veil of Darkness, HQ11: Transcendent C’tan: Sempiternal Weave
Detachment rule: Awakened Dynasty - COMMAND PROTOCOLS (+1 to hit when lead by character)
Warlord: Orikan the Diviner
Secondary Objectives Information
Bring it Down: 5 VP
Assasination: 20+ VP

HQ1: Chronomancer (50 Points)
HQ2: Hexmark Destroyer (70 Points)
HQ3: Hexmark Destroyer (70 Points)
HQ4: Hexmark Destroyer (70 Points)
HQ5: Lokhust Lord [Staff of Light, Resurrection Orb,Enhancements: Veil of Darkness] (105 Points)
HQ6: Lord [Lord’s blade,Resurrection Orb] (65 Points)
HQ7: Orikan the Diviner [Warlord] (80 Points)
HQ8: Overlord [Resurrection Orb, Voidscythe] (85 Points)
HQ9: Overlord [Resurrection Orb, Voidscythe] (85 Points)
HQ10: Technomancer [Canoptek Cloak] (60 Points)
HQ11: Transcendent C’tan [Enhancements: Sempiternal Weave] (290 Points)

BL1: Necron Warriors [20x Necron Warrior, 20x Gauss flayer] (240 Points)

O1: Canoptek Reanimator (95 Points)
O2: Cryptothralls (40 Points)
O3: Cryptothralls (40 Points)
O4: Cryptothralls (40 Points)
O5: Lokhust Heavy Destroyers [3x Lokhust Heavy Destroyer,3x Enmitic exterminator] (135 Points)
O6: Lychguard [10x Lychguard, 10x Dispersion Shield, 10x Hyperphase sword] (190 Points)
O7: Lychguard [10x Lychguard, 10x Dispersion Shield, 10x Hyperphase sword] (190 Points)