Sec. Points:
Sec. Points:
Primary codex:
Genestealer cult
Primary codex:
Adeptus Custodes
Sec. codex:
Secondary codex:
Player: Michał Gogi Cieślik
ID: WA719
Team: Turbocola Team
Army: Genestealer Cult
Points: 1985
Enhancements: Inscrutable Cunning (Abominant), Prowling Agitant (Reductus Saboteur), Focus of Adoration (Clamavus)
Bring it down: 5
Assassinate: 24
Characters (450):
Primus - 90
Abominant (75), Inscrutable Cunning (30) - 105
Reductus Saboteur (65), Prowling Agitant (15) - 80
Reductus Saboteur - 65
Sanctus (cult sniper rifle, ccw) - 50
Clamavus (50), Focus of Adoration (10) - 60
Battlelines (970):
10x Acolyte Hybrids (leader's cult weapons and hand flamer, 4x demolition charges and cult claws and knifes, 5x hand flamers and cult claws and knifes, ) - 170
10x Acolyte Hybrids (leader's cult weapons and hand flamer, 4x demolition charges and cult claws and knifes, 5x hand flamers and cult claws and knifes, ) - 170
20x Neophyte Hybrids (leader pistol and power weapon, 4x seismic cannon, 4x grenade launcher, cult icon) - 180
20x Neophyte Hybrids (leader pistol and power weapon, 4x mining laser, 4x grenade launcher, cult icon) - 180
20x Neophyte Hybrids (leader pistol and power weapon, 4x seismic cannon, 4x webber, cult icon) - 180
10x Neophyte Hybrids (leader pistol and power weapon, 2x seismic cannon, 2x webber, cult icon) - 90
Dedicated Transports (110):
Goliath Truck - 110
Others (455) :
10x Aberrants (heavy power weapon) - 370
Achilles Ridgerunners (heavy mortar, survey augur) - 85
Player Name: Michał Witowski Vitu$ [RZ029]
Team: Rzeźnicy z Kresów
Factions Used: Adeptus Custodes
Army Points: 1995
Army Enhancements (list on which model): Caeseless Hunter (Blade Champion)
Detachment Rule: Shield Host

Number of Units/Killpoints: 12
Bring it Down: 0
Assassination: 12


Blade Champion (150 points)
--Caeseless Hunter

Shield-Captain in Allarus Terminator Armour (140 points)
--Guardian Spear

Trajann Valoris (160 points)


5x Custodian Guard (250 points)
--4x Guardian Spear
--1x Sentinel Blade + Praesidium Shield

4x Custodian Guard (200 points)
--3x Guardian Spear
--1x Sentinel Blade + Praesidium Shield

4x Custodian Guard (200 points)
--3x Guardian Spear
--1x Sentinel Blade + Praesidium Shield

4x Prosecutor (40)
--4x Bolter + CCW

4x Prosecutor (40)
--4x Bolter + CCW


5x Allarus Custodians (350 points)
--4x Guardian Spear
--1x Vexilla + Misericordia

2x Allarus Custodians (140 points)
--2x Guardian Spear

5x Custodian Wardens (275 points)
--5x Guardian Spear
--1x Vexilla

4x Witchseekers (50)
--4x Witchseeker Flamer + CCW