Sec. Points:
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Primary codex:
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Secondary codex:
* Player Name: Jacek Furmanczyk, KR513
* Team Name: Waaaaagh! Pana Jacka
* Factions Used: Orks
* Army Points: 1995 points
* Army Enhancements: None
* Detachment Rule: Waaagh! Tribe

* Secondary Objectives Information
* Character Units (Models) [Max Points]: 4 (4) [16]
* Vehicle/Monster Models (Max Points): 5 (14)

Boss Snikrot (85 pts)
• Warlord

Kaptin Badrukk (80 pts)

Mozrog Skragbad (195 pts)

Warboss (65 pts)
• Attack squig, Power klaw


Boyz (85 pts)
• Boss Nob, 9x Boy, Power klaw and slugga, 8x Slugga and choppa, Rokkit launcha

Boyz (85 pts)
• Boss Nob, 9x Boy, Power klaw and slugga, 8x Slugga and choppa, Rokkit launcha


Flash Gitz (190 pts)
• 9xFlash Gitz, Kaptin, Ammo Runt

Gretchin (40 pts)
• 10xGretchin, Runtherd

Gretchin (40 pts)
• 10xGretchin, Runtherd

Gretchin (40 pts)
• 10xGretchin, Runtherd

Kommandos (135 pts)
• Boss Nob, 9x Kommandos, Power klaw, Breacha ram, Burna, Rokkit launcha, 6x Slugga and choppa, Bomb Squig, Distraction Grot

Nobz (210 pts)
• Boss Nob, 9xNob, 10x Slugga and power klaw , 2xAmmo Runt

Stormboyz (65 pts)
• Boss Nob, 4xStormboy, Power klaw

Squighog Boyz (220 pts)
• 6xSquighog Boy, 2xBomb squig

Squighog Boyz (220 pts)
• 6xSquighog Boy, 2xBomb squig

Trukk (60 pts)
• Wreckin' ball

Trukk (60 pts)
• Wreckin' ball

Trukk (60 pts)
• Wreckin' ball

Trukk (60 pts)
• Wreckin' ball

Player: Grzegorz Kowalik "Forfiter"
Team: € Walchuck’s Debt Crew
Player ID: WA586
Factions used: Necrons
Army Points: 2000
Army enhancements: Sempiternal Weave (Transcendent C’tan)
Detachment rule: Awakened Dynasty - COMMAND PROTOCOLS
Warlord: Orikan the Diviner
Secondary Objectives Information
Bring it Down: 3 VP
Assasination: 20+ VP

HQ1: Chronomancer (50 Points)
HQ2: Hexmark Destroyer (80 Points)
HQ3: Lord (65 Points) Lord’s blade, Resurrection Orb
HQ4: Orikan the Diviner (80 Points) Warlord, Staff of Tomorrow
HQ5: Overlord (85 Points) Resurrection Orb, Voidscythe
HQ6: Overlord (85 Points) Resurrection Orb, Voidscythe
HQ7: Technomancer (60 Points) Canoptek Cloak, Staff of light
HQ8: Transcendent C’tan (310 Points) Enhancements: Sempiternal Weave

BL1: Necron Warriors (220 Points) 20x Necron Warrior

O1: Canoptek Acanthrites (85 Points)
O2: Cryptothralls (60 Points)
O3: Cryptothralls (60 Points)
O4: Cryptothralls (60 Points)
O5: Lychguard (230 Points) 10x Lychguard: 10x Dispersion Shield 10x Hyperphase sword
O6: Lychguard (230 Points) 10x Lychguard: 10x Dispersion Shield 10x Hyperphase sword
O7: Triarch Praetorians (120 Points) 5x Particle caster/Voidblade
O8: Triarch Praetorians (120 Points) 5x Particle caster/Voidblade