Sec. Points:
Sec. Points:
Primary codex:
Adeptus Astartes
Primary codex:
Sec. codex:
Secondary codex:
++ Battalion Detachment 0CP (Imperium - Adeptus Astartes - Ultramarines) [103 PL, 2,000pts, 8CP] ++

+ Configuration +

**Chapter Selection**: Master Artisans, Stealthy, Ultramarines Successor

Battle Size [12CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points)

Detachment CP

+ HQ +

Chapter Master [6 PL, 115pts, -3CP]: Chainsword, Jump Pack, Master of Strategy, Storm shield, Stratagem: Chapter Master, Stratagem: Exemplar of the Chapter, Teeth of Terra, The Imperium's Sword, Warlord

Techmarine [5 PL, 43pts, -1CP]: Adept of the Codex, Chainsword, Servo-arm, Storm bolter, Stratagem: Hero of the Chapter

+ Troops +

Incursor Squad [5 PL, 105pts]: Incursor Sergeant
. 4x Incursor: 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Frag & Krak grenades, 4x Occulus bolt carbine, 4x Paired Combat Blades, 4x Smoke Grenades

Scout Squad [4 PL, 73pts]
. Scout Sergeant: Chainsword, Storm bolter
. 3x Scout w/Boltgun: 3x Bolt pistol, 3x Boltgun, 3x Frag & Krak grenades
. Scout w/Combat Knife

Scout Squad [4 PL, 73pts]
. Scout Sergeant: Chainsword, Storm bolter
. 3x Scout w/Boltgun: 3x Bolt pistol, 3x Boltgun, 3x Frag & Krak grenades
. Scout w/Combat Knife

+ Elites +

Aggressor Squad [6 PL, 135pts]: 2x Aggressor, Aggressor Sergeant
. Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets/Fragstorm Grenade Launcher

Aggressor Squad [6 PL, 135pts]: 2x Aggressor, Aggressor Sergeant
. Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets/Fragstorm Grenade Launcher

Invictor Tactical Warsuit [8 PL, 165pts]: Fragstorm Grenade Launcher, Heavy bolter, 2x Ironhail Heavy Stubber, Twin ironhail autocannon

Invictor Tactical Warsuit [8 PL, 165pts]: Fragstorm Grenade Launcher, Heavy bolter, 2x Ironhail Heavy Stubber, Twin ironhail autocannon

Relic Contemptor Dreadnought [9 PL, 168pts]
. Dreadnought melee weapon: Dreadnought combat weapon, Storm bolter
. Twin lascannon

Relic Whirlwind Scorpius [12 PL, 235pts]: Scorpius multi-launcher

+ Fast Attack +

Suppressor Squad [5 PL, 105pts]
. 2x Suppressor: 2x Accelerator autocannon, 2x Bolt pistol, 2x Frag & Krak grenades, 2x Grav-chute
. Suppressor Sergeant: Grav-chute

+ Heavy Support +

Devastator Squad [8 PL, 120pts]: Armorium Cherub
. Space Marine Sergeant: Chainsword
. Space Marine w/Heavy Weapon: Grav-cannon and grav-amp
. Space Marine w/Heavy Weapon: Grav-cannon and grav-amp
. Space Marine w/Heavy Weapon: Grav-cannon and grav-amp
. Space Marine w/Heavy Weapon: Grav-cannon and grav-amp

Eradicator Squad [5 PL, 120pts]: Eradicator Sgt
. 2x Eradicator: 2x Bolt pistol, 2x Melta rifle

Eradicator Squad [5 PL, 120pts]: Eradicator Sgt
. 2x Eradicator: 2x Bolt pistol, 2x Melta rifle

+ Dedicated Transport +

Drop Pod [4 PL, 68pts]: Storm bolter

Land Speeder Storm [3 PL, 55pts]: Heavy bolter

++ Total: [103 PL, 8CP, 2,000pts] ++