Sec. Points:
Sec. Points:
Primary codex:
Adeptus Astartes
Primary codex:
Blood Angels
Sec. codex:
Secondary codex:

++ Patrol Detachment -2CP (Imperium - Adeptus Astartes - Iron Hands) [40 PL, -3CP, 770pts] ++

+ Configuration [-2CP] +

**Chapter Selection**: Iron Hands

Detachment CP [-2CP]

+ No Force Org Slot [2 PL, 30pts] +

Servitors [2 PL, 30pts]: 4x Servitor, 4x Servo-arm

+ Agents of the Imperium [5 PL, 100pts] +

Callidus Assassin [5 PL, 100pts]: Neural Shredder, Phase Sword, Poison Blades

+ HQ [4 PL, 80pts] +

Primaris Techmarine [4 PL, 80pts]: Forge bolter, Frag & Krak grenades, Grav-pistol, Mechadendrite, Omnissian power axe, Servo-arm, The Tempered Helm

+ Troops [5 PL, 90pts] +

Tactical Squad [5 PL, 90pts]
. 4x Space Marine [72pts]: 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Boltgun, 4x Frag & Krak grenades
. Space Marine Sergeant [18pts]: Bolt pistol, Boltgun, Frag & Krak grenades

+ Elites [18 PL, -1CP, 360pts] +

Redemptor Dreadnought [9 PL, -1CP, 180pts]: 2x Storm Bolters, Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon, Onslaught Gatling Cannon [5pts], Redemptor Fist, Stratagem: March of the Ancients [-1CP]. GENERALE, All flesh is weakness. Paragon of Iron[-1CP], Student of history.

Redemptor Dreadnought [9 PL, 180pts]: 2x Storm Bolters, Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon, Onslaught Gatling Cannon [5pts], Redemptor Fist

+ Dedicated Transport [6 PL, 110pts] +

Land Speeder Storm [3 PL, 55pts]: Cerberus launcher, Heavy bolter

Land Speeder Storm [3 PL, 55pts]: Cerberus launcher, Heavy bolter

++ Vanguard Detachment -3CP (Imperium - Adeptus Astartes - Iron Hands) [63 PL, -3CP, 1,230pts] ++

+ Configuration [-3CP] +

**Chapter Selection**: Iron Hands

Detachment CP [-3CP]

+ No Force Org Slot [2 PL, 30pts] +

Servitors [2 PL, 30pts]: 4x Servitor, 4x Servo-arm

+ HQ [4 PL, 80pts] +

Primaris Techmarine [4 PL, 80pts]: Forge bolter, Frag & Krak grenades, Grav-pistol, Mechadendrite, Omnissian power axe, Servo-arm

+ Elites [33 PL, 660pts] +

Invictor Tactical Warsuit [8 PL, 160pts]: Fragstorm Grenade Launcher, Heavy bolter, Invictor fist, Twin ironhail autocannon, Twin ironhail heavy stubber

Invictor Tactical Warsuit [8 PL, 160pts]: Fragstorm Grenade Launcher, Heavy bolter, Invictor fist, Twin ironhail autocannon, Twin ironhail heavy stubber

Invictor Tactical Warsuit [8 PL, 160pts]: Fragstorm Grenade Launcher, Heavy bolter, Invictor fist, Twin ironhail autocannon, Twin ironhail heavy stubber

Redemptor Dreadnought [9 PL, 180pts]: 2x Storm Bolters, Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon, Onslaught Gatling Cannon [5pts], Redemptor Fist

+ Heavy Support [12 PL, 240pts] +

Eradicator Squad [6 PL, 120pts]: Melta rifle
. 2x Eradicator [80pts]: 2x Bolt pistol
. Eradicator Sgt [40pts]: Bolt pistol

Eradicator Squad [6 PL, 120pts]: Melta rifle
. 2x Eradicator [80pts]: 2x Bolt pistol
. Eradicator Sgt [40pts]: Bolt pistol

+ Dedicated Transport [12 PL, 220pts] +

Land Speeder Storm [3 PL, 55pts]: Cerberus launcher, Heavy bolter

Land Speeder Storm [3 PL, 55pts]: Cerberus launcher, Heavy bolter

Land Speeder Storm [3 PL, 55pts]: Cerberus launcher, Heavy bolter

Land Speeder Storm [3 PL, 55pts]: Cerberus launcher, Heavy bolter

12 CP - 5CP prepartita = 7CP rimasti

++ Total: [103 PL, -6CP, 2,000pts] ++

Created with BattleScribe (https://battlescribe.net)
++ Player Ivan Lavaggi

++ Battle Name: Il Marchese

++ Patrol Detachment 0CP (Imperium - Adeptus Astartes - Blood Angels) [43 PL, 8CP, 870pts] ++

+ Configuration +

**Chapter Selection**: Blood Angels

Battle Size [12CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points)

Detachment CP

+ Stratagems +

Relics of the Chapter [-2CP]: 2x Number of Extra Relics

Angel Exemplar [-1CP]: 1 Additional Warlord Trait from BA Warlord Trait, only for Warlord

+ HQ +

Primaris Chaplain on Bike [7 PL, 140pts]: 4. Mantra of Strength, 6. Canticle of Hate, Benediction of Fury, Chapter Command: Master of Sanctity, Litany of Hate, Warlord Trait: Wise Orator, Gift of Forsight

+ Troops +

Incursor Squad [5 PL, 105pts]
. 4x Incursor: 4x Bolt pistol, 4x Frag & Krak grenades, 4x Occulus bolt carbine, 4x Paired combat blades
. Incursor Sergeant

+ Elites +

Primaris Apothecary [5 PL, -1CP, 95pts]: Chapter Command: Chief Apothecary, Selfless Healer, Stratagem: Hero of the Chapter

Servitors [2 PL, 30pts]: 4x Servo-arm

+ Fast Attack +

Inceptor Squad [12 PL, 250pts]: 4x Inceptor, Inceptor Sergeant, Plasma Exterminator x2

Inceptor Squad [12 PL, 250pts]: 4x Inceptor, Inceptor Sergeant, Plasma Exterminator x2

++ Vanguard Detachment -3CP (Imperium - Adeptus Astartes - Blood Angels) [79 PL, -4CP, 1,125pts] ++

+ Configuration +

**Chapter Selection**

Detachment CP [-3CP]

+ HQ +

Captain [6 PL, -1CP, 110pts]: Astartes Chainsword, Jump Pack, Master-crafted boltgun, Warlord Trait: Rites of War, Stratagem: Hero of the Chapter [-1CP], Teeth of Terra

+ Elites +

Bladeguard Veteran Squad [10 PL, 175pts]
. 4x Bladeguard Veteran: 4x Frag & Krak grenades, 4x Heavy Bolt Pistol, 4x Master-crafted power sword, 4x Storm Shield
. Bladeguard Veteran Sgt: Heavy Bolt Pistol

Bladeguard Veteran Squad [10 PL, 175pts]
. 4x Bladeguard Veteran: 4x Frag & Krak grenades, 4x Heavy Bolt Pistol, 4x Master-crafted power sword, 4x Storm Shield
. Bladeguard Veteran Sgt: Heavy Bolt Pistol

Judiciar [5 PL, 85pts]

Sanguinary Guard [17 PL, 150pts]
. Sanguinary Guard: Angelus boltgun, Encarmine axe
. Sanguinary Guard: Angelus boltgun, Encarmine axe
. Sanguinary Guard: Angelus boltgun, Encarmine axe
. Sanguinary Guard: Angelus boltgun, Encarmine axe
. Sanguinary Guard: Angelus boltgun, Encarmine axe

Sanguinary Guard [17 PL, 150pts]
. Sanguinary Guard: Angelus boltgun, Encarmine axe
. Sanguinary Guard: Angelus boltgun, Encarmine axe
. Sanguinary Guard: Angelus boltgun, Encarmine axe
. Sanguinary Guard: Angelus boltgun, Encarmine axe
. Sanguinary Guard: Angelus boltgun, Encarmine axe

Vanguard Veteran Squad [14 PL, 280pts]: Jump Pack
. Space Marine Veteran: Lightning Claw, Storm shield
. Space Marine Veteran: Lightning Claw, Storm shield
. Space Marine Veteran: Lightning Claw, Storm shield
. Space Marine Veteran: Lightning Claw, Storm shield
. Space Marine Veteran: Lightning Claw, Storm shield
. Space Marine Veteran: Lightning Claw, Storm shield
. Space Marine Veteran: Lightning Claw, Storm shield
. Space Marine Veteran: Lightning Claw, Storm shield
. Space Marine Veteran: Lightning Claw, Storm shield
. Veteran Sergeant: Lightning Claw, Storm shield

++ Total: [122 PL, 4CP, 1,995pts] ++