#PlayerGamepathArmySec. PointsPoints
1 Ignacio Cueto Calvo w-w-w Ironjawz 13 47
2 Juan Pérez l-w-w Lumineth Realm Lords 12 38
3 René Ballester Borruey w-w-l Sons of Behemat 11 38
4 Pau Ferrer Doménech d-l-w Stormcast Eternals 8 31
5 Mario Carpio Sánchez w-l-l Stormcast Eternals 8 31
6 Carlos Amat Gonzalez l-w-w Gloomspite Gitz 5 31
7 Antonio Cerdá w-l-w Slaanesh 4 26
8 Javier Motilla Garcia d-l-l Stormcast Eternals 6 25
9 Alejandro Agulló García l-w-l Cities of Sigmar 7 21
10 Pablo Amat Corbí l-l-l Kruleboyz 6 12