1 Make Adam And Gaz Great Again 02599Matt Robertson , Tony Chew (np) (NP) , Adam Ryland  , James Ramsay , Gas Jones 
2 Bad Batch 02638Nathan Roberts , Courtney rhodes , Josh Roberts , Gareth Donnelly  
3 Justfriends 02527Dylan , Sean Friday , Michael Duff , Isaac 
4 Savvy Submariners 02447Jonathan , Billy Sutter , Christopher , Ed Watts 
5 The Mandalorians 02306Markus Hinson  , Ash , Henry Bearne , Chris Kinnair 
6 Cheesey does it 02236abner , Nicholas Willingale , Dan Hill , Matthew Williams 
7 I got 99 problems and rolling 1's isn't 1. 02126Gareth "glorak" chambers , Bethany Taylor , Brett Armitage  , Mysterious Bob 
8 The Celestial Forge 01896Richard , Mark Underhill  , Tom Radford , Stefan Donovan 
9 Hold my Beer (True North Edition) 02225Christopher Irvine , Adam Skinner , Matt Gibson , Gavin Laffoley 
10 Northern Warlords Elite 21755Jez Morris , Barry Harvey-Smith , Michael Hatton , Chris Caple 
11 Robbo's Reserve Lists 02094Dan Smith , Scotty H , Kev , Adam Lane 
12 Team Beer Boat 02004Kyle Grundy  , Ricci Lowe , James , Chris Cockburn 
13 NRGC Team 1 01874Martijn Versteeg , Erin McC , Sean , Tom Wilkinson 
14 Northern Warlords Premium 01744Tim Vass , Jonny vass , Stu Corb , Tom Leighton 
15 Win or Booze 01544Ryan Dewick , Joe Freeman , KIERAN , Sam 
16 Leeds Salt Miners 01733Chris Nettleship , Jonnie Bailey , Alex Walker , Sam 
17 NRGC Team A 01362Kyle Oman , Martin Sexton , Benjamin , Jamie Proudlock 
18 Wednesday Knights 0780Neil , Alex , Daniel  , Bobb